Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Day Two

       Today has proved a much better day than the one before. Well, it didn't start out well but it's my belief that if you wake up before the semi-goddless hour of 8:00 AM you're bound to be a little out of sorts. Staying up till 1:00 the night before didn't help, either. The reason for the early hour was Colin so I guess he's worth it! Plus, my Starbucks coffee and scone definitely helped clear away the smog of the evil 7:30. (Even though the nice lady behind the counter gave me a cookie crumble instead of a caramel frap . . . My life is hard.)
       At home I was much more productive than yesterday. When you live in a house that is 80 years old you have to learn to do the little projects on all those things that don't work. So I used my handy construction skills to screw a hook and eye onto the porch door (with help, of course). After that little project I decided to organize my dad's tools. This is something I've been meaning to do FOREVER and I've only just clipped the tip of the ice burg as it is.
                                                              My construction buddy
       So it's not perfect but we only have so much space. Excuse the crappy quality of my pictures. My iphone is currently the only camera I own--c’est la vie.
       I was very cheffy today, as well. My family has this thing about roasted vegetables, we just can't get enough, particularly broccoli. Usually we just toss it up with some oil and garlic and it's so good I swear I could eat a whole batch in one sitting. However, I read somewhere (who knows where) recently that using vegetable broth in place of oil is much better for you. After trying it today I'm very impressed--the flavor was incredible. Then I made vegetarian stuffed peppers for dinner. Even after being a vegetarian for five years this is still one of my favorite meatless recipes! It's so easy, too.

       Betwixt all the other things I managed to hang out with my brother, David, for a while. I've never understood why people think it's weird to hang out with their siblings. Maybe that makes me lame but OH WELL. David is one of the funniest people I know and I always enjoy spending time with him. Today he suckered me into playing minecraft even though there was much protesting on my part.
       "I will not like minecraft I swear." I said, thus sealing my fate and half an hour later I was constructing a house in a treetop. And only because my ice house began to melt in the summer heat.
       Video Games: 1 Me: 0
       So, yes, today was good. Who says you can't have fun at home? Probably no one, actually . . .
       Tomorrow is my mom and dad's 26th wedding anniversary so I will be making them this amazing looking appetizer. With artichoke hearts instead of mushrooms. Because mushrooms are the slimy food of demons. Anyway, goodnight and thank GOD it is the beginning of the end of the week!

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