I may have to consider a different title because I feel like I'm writing a survival log but oh well. It also occurs to me that 31 days in my everyday life might be rather boring as I didn't even leave the house today. But I got to hang out with my favorite little bubba so I was never bored. Two year olds don't exactly give you a sit down break!
We did, however, play cars, take out the recycling (An easy chore you think? Try it with a two year old who thinks the floor is lava) and we also ate spaghetti. Or Colin ate spaghetti and I made it for him . . . twice. The first time I had to leave it on the table while he took a potty break and our puppy, Kaipo, took it upon himself to eat every single bite. So we made the spaghetti again. Kaipo is hugely protective of bubba either because, with some animalistic instinct, he senses vulnerability or he realizes that bubba is the weakest link at mealtime. My guess is the latter.
Amidst conversations with Colin, watching Toy Story, reading books about trains, trains and more trains, and playing train (in which I was "Mr. Conductor", apparently) I kept thinking, 'what will I write about?' To be quite honest, I'm still not sure but at least I'm writing.
I've been turning over the phrase "contentment" in my head for a while now. Contentment NOW, particularly. Because I'm tired of thinking "I will be content when I have A, B and C." I'm trying to realize I'm okay with what I have and I don't need more. In other words, I'm trying to find peace with where I am. These days when I am stuck at home are always the days I have trouble finding that. So that was my goal for the day. I always have about a million things swimming around in my head regarding who I should be for the day, what I expect from myself and where I could do better (along with all the things I think OTHER people should do better, I'm no saint) but my clear cut goal was that; be content now.
Overall I feel pretty peaceful about my day and I am currently sipping Chamomile tea.
I agree with C.S. Lewis "You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me."
I have another long day tomorrow so wish me luck!
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